Be the best, most courageous, and generous version of yourself for your audience.

Personal coaching to help you shine from the front of the room.

Someone is introducing you...

You’re overcome with fear—your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, and you’re feeling shaky. It’s time to walk on stage

You get to the podium and… your mind goes blank. The sheer terror of speaking in public has made your body go into fight or flight mode. Whether it’s happened once or dozens of times, the same fear grips you every time you’re asked to give a business presentation, talk to a new client, or go to a job interview.

Here’s some good news: you’re not alone. This fear is called glossophobia—and, while the word isn’t well-known, the phobia itself is extremely common. And here’s even better news: it’s possible to overcome this fear and become a calm and confident speaker!

I can help you get there.

What if you could:

● Change your self-talk and stop beating yourself up

● Feel more self-assured and confident

● Speak comfortably and naturally

● View your audience from a new perspective

● Make a memorable impression as a relatable person

● Garner more respect from your peers

● Convey information in a way that resonates

● Create a ripple effect of positive feelings

● Learn to love and appreciate yourself more

● Have the satisfaction of really helping people

Personal coaching that meets you where you are.

If you hire me as your coach, we’ll spend time together exploring your existing skills, goals, and elements of your personal history that present barriers to confidence. You’ll develop your voice, build poise, and fearlessly approach public speaking with self-confidence and a light heart.

I’ve helped so many clients transform their relationship to public speaking—and I can do the same for you!


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"I was TERRIFIED of speaking in a public setting. Sure, I was ok if I was going to be saying something short in an informal setting, but a formal presentation on stage? Nope. Lee helped me so much, gave me pointers on how to get my plan together, and helped boost my confidence in so many different ways, including getting me out of my own way and my own head! So, now I have spoken on stage in front of less than 100 people, and have already been signed up to speak again to 100s more! Thank you, Lee, you were so kind, and so patient, and so RIGHT!"

Katy Kreiger

Enterprise Alliance Consultant 

IAPP (the International Association of Privacy Professionals)

Personal Coaching

Personal coaching is ideal for you if you suffer from anxiety, want to work on a specific project, or master the art of rhetoric. We'll start at your current comfort level and get you where you want to go.

How It Works

● Set up a 20-minute discovery call

● Complete an intake form

● Kick off with a 3-, 6-, or 9-session package

During each customized session, we sit, talk, and practice in my Oak Park, Illinois office or over Zoom.

Whether you:

● Have a specific presentation coming up

● Want to learn the latest skills to set yourself up for success

● Are eager to get updated on the latest best practices in public speaking

We can work toward your specific objectives together.

Ultimately, HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF is what makes the most difference—so let’s work on that!




You have some public speaking background; you experience “nerves” but don’t necessarily panic at the prospect of speaking publicly. You want to polish and enhance the skills you have and bring ease to your delivery.




You're starting with a deeper sense of insecurity or fear, and want a supportive, encouraging coach to help you overcome your dread and develop tools to see public speaking as an opportunity instead of a chore. You want more time to practice with support and ingrain new ways of thinking that can make speaking enjoyable.




Along with striving to get more comfortable with public speaking and manage your fear, you have a specific goal that you’re working towards. You want your big presentation, speech, or training to be memorable. This package includes support to prepare and build skills, as well as the chance to review and analyze your speech, helping refine your skills and cement progress.

My Philosophy

● Appropriate Pride and Appropriate Humility

● Gratitude, Generosity, and Wonder

● Audience-centric speaking is about giving your gift

● Public Speaking is More than Words

● Most coaches generalize--I personalize 


Explore more packages that will amp up your speaking skills

Let's Talk!
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